Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Tulisan 1 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama :Perdana Prin Putra.S
Npm :22108302
Kelas :4.KB.05

                                                         Healthy are Important

              In our daily lives that the word health is no longer alien to we hear, such that health is important for ourselves.With us having a healthy body we can well beraktifitas, without any impediment whatsoever, thus we have to really keep the health of our body.We also get to feel what it's like if our bodies are not in good health or we fall sick, certainly we feel it is not tasty at all, because if we sick eating alone we should not lust, but if we were in their "healthy for sure we want to do what it must have felt uncomfortable for us because our body in good health.

                So it is important for the health of our body with a healthy body we can also think well and can work out something with better also in compare to having a less healthy body surely do whatever the results will be obtained when we are definitely not as good as in good health.

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